Leading the Way in Health Insurance

Leading the Way in Health Insurance

Since its beginnings, Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) has shaped the history of the health care industry through innovation and leadership. Today, BCBS continues to transform health care with the same spirit of innovation that has improved the lives of generations of Americans.


Blue Cross: Shaping health care since 1929

Blue Cross began when Baylor University hospital administrators were seeking a way to make health care more affordable for their patients. The Baylor Plan provided up to 21 days of coverage for hospitalization annually if patients prepaid 50 cents a month. It was an immediate success, soon enrolling employees across the city.

Blue Shield: Supporting America’s workers from the start

Faced with rampant illness and occupational hazards, Pacific Northwest loggers and miners of the early 1900s required substantial medical care to stay healthy and productive. Their employers organized plans to provide medical services for a monthly fee.

Our History

Today, with growth, stability and innovation, BCBS continues to be the name generations can count on — as they have for more than 80 years.