The Impact of Caregiving on Mental and Physical Health

Caregivers play an important role in the U.S. health care system. An often unpaid and invisible workforce, caregivers manage medications, administer care, assist with daily tasks and handle finances for their loved ones. The commitment of time, labor and emotional support this role requires can have a substantial impact on caregivers’ physical, behavioral and emotional well-being.

This report examines the health impact associated with caregiving among the Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) commercially insured population. Using our market-leading claims database, we find that caregiving is associated with higher rates of both physical and behavioral health conditions for caregivers—particularly for millennials and members of communities with a majority Black or Hispanic population. This effect is further exacerbated by the recent coronavirus pandemic.

Throughout this report, the health impact of caregiving is defined as the differences in health between caregivers and the benchmark population—inclusive of both overall health, as measured by the BCBS Health Index, and prevalence rates for stress-related conditions.

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